Election Protection

By | Thoughts on Things

A woman with her hands behind her head and eyes closed.


“Said the night wind to the shepherd boy
Do you hear what I hear?” *

Back biting, bickering,
Name calling, worse;
A free-falling election
That feels like a curse.

“Grant us four years?”
Ask both Trump and Clinton,
Yet their endless campaigning
Feels like a life sentence.

From privileged high places,
They dismiss what I see:
The entitlement, the avarice,
These egos that feed.

“We’ll win again!” he says.
She replies right on cue:
“We’ve been winning for years!
You haven’t a clue.”

“I’ll keep foes at bay
And take care of our friends.”
He purses his lips,
As she sighs through a grin.

Meanwhile, America,
Running at high speed,
Oozes joblessness, discord
From a populace in need.

Someworking tirelessly,
Others wanting jobs,
Few being satisfied,
Most feeling robbed . . .

By ourvery government,
Trusted partisan friends.
We’ve forgotten the lesson,
Of the fox with the hens.

“Hear me, oh hear me,”
They say to us all,
“I’m the savior you seek,
I’ll not let you fall.”

A Savior! A Savior!
Now that’s good advice.
Dump Trump and ditch Clinton
Give us Jesus, the Christ.

Of courseI wrote this, yet I get that some people actually like Clinton or Trump. So, forgive my honesty, a trait that, in my opinion, neither candidate seems to value, and a trait that I have just ridiculously apologized for.

I remind myself to be kind, that I have dual citizenship–of the United States, butalso of heaven. As such, I am beholden to a higher power, a holy God who has instructed me to love, and to pray for our leaders, regardless of feelings. And, truly, the election is good for my prayer life.

My ongoing dialogue with God goes something like this: “I’m sorry to bring this up again, Lord, but I’m wondering if you’ve been tied up over in Syria or the Sudan? Have you seen this, this . . . charade masquerading as an election in America? Have you seen who the populace has put forth as potential leaders of the free world?

“Father, are you there? I’m fearful that, as some people say, you’ve left America because many people don’t want you here. I want you here. Many of us do. We need you! I know it isn’t your style, but won’t you intervene, please? Maybe raise up another candidate? Father, are you there?”

This is somewhat tongue in cheek, but not far from the truth.

God almost always settles me down, reminding me of verses such as this one from Philippians: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” The first four words of this verse sum up the way God would have us live. Always. As to the supplication part? That’s easy. “Please, please, God, send another candidate.” Whoops, too late.

And to the thankful part? Surprisingly, there’s a lot to be thankful for in this election: I live in a free country where I can vote; a woman can actually run for president; I’m healthy enough to get out to vote; and I’m not intimidated not to vote. Thank you, Lord.

When I ask God to take awaymyanxiousness, this verse pops into my mind. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.”

My mindset should always be to trust in God, to try and forget the candidates and to focus on God’s omniscience, omnipotence, mercy, and love. I should be more overwhelmed with our Lord than I am with these candidates. What comes across the airwaves doesn’t matter nearly as much as what comes from my heart. I must answer only for me.

The Bible says He called all things into existence, including us. He knows the number of hairs on our head, he feeds the birds of the air, dresses the lilies of the field, and He knows our every thought, past and present.

Our God is aware and He is powerful. However, until the return of Jesus Christ, Satan and His minions rule our planet. Because of this, we must sometimes choose our poison, but never, never doubt that God is on the throne. The plan in place is Divine and it won’t be shattered because of an election, or because God doesn’t step up at this particular moment.

Remember what Jesus said to His Roman henchman, Pilate? “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above.” Pilate had no authority over Jesus. Yet Father God let Jesus hang on that cross. What the apostle’s thought was history’s darkest moment, became its greatest hour.

That’s enormous! If nothing else throughout history shows that God has a greater plan, this is it! And just imagine the scene surrounding Jesus in the spiritual realm–legions of great white angels standing with hands on their swords, eyes shifting back and forth between Jesus and the dark forces, knowing this sick scenario had been orchestrated by Satan and his mocking, chanting demons. All the while the light angels continued waiting, waiting patiently for their King to order an attack.

But the order never came.

Significantly more depressing than our election.

I’m not suggesting that there’s a shred of comparison between what Jesus did and this election. Never. Only that God has a plan. Ecclesiastes reminds us, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven, a time to be born and a time to die, a time to mourn and a time to laugh . . .” A woman standing in front of an open book.

Nothing in the world is everlasting. It is all–we are all–terminal. Whether or not we like this particular moment between Clinton and Trump, history has led us to these two candidates, and to this tenuous time in America. And regardless of what happens, it will not be history’s darkest hour. We’ve already been there.

Daniel says: “And he changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings.” Suffice to say, we are in a season. Regardless of the outcome of this election, the good news is, God is on the throne and Jesus has been raised up. Yes, Satan is bouncing around wreaking havoc, but in the end, it will be God’s will that rises up like the Phoenix from the ashes. Or perhaps, more appropriately, like Jesus from the grave. In one nano-second, God can change things.

Be advised–His ways are not our ways. “For as the heaven are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts,” He says in Isaiah. We don’t/can’t understand His motives. I am reminded of my personal agony after my mother’s horrific bout to the death with cancer and my questioning of God: “Why, why, why?” (See “It’s None of Your Business.”)

And God’s amazing answer to me, in the quiet of night at the top of my driveway: “It’s not your business,” He said.

Such freeing, triumphant words. Words that say, “I, God, am in control. There is a plan. There is a purpose. Believe. Believe.”

So we must do as commanded. Trust and pray. Not for our own desires, but for God’s will to be done. Pray for peace for our country no matter the outcome. Vote your heart. Love your neighbors regardless of their political affiliation or vote, remembering that God will have the last word.

“Said the King to the people everywhereA baby is sleeping in the corner of a bed.
Listen to what I say.
Pray for peace people everywhere
Listen to what I say.
The child, the child
Sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light.”*


*From the song: “Do You Hear What I Hear”

14 Responses to " Election Protection "

  1. Wow! Once again you’ve hit the nail on the head in this most beautiful story! You’ve opened my eyes and lifted my spirit! Girl, the talent you’ve got for writing oozes from you pores!! So lucky to have you for my sister and friend!❤️

    • Thank you, Lynne, for your sweet words! I wouldn’t be a bit talented if I didn’t get so much help from above!! So thankful for that and for friends like you, darlin’ girl!! xo

  2. Karyn…your words are prolific. Amen sister. With love and prayers for America.

  3. Janice says:

    WOW….. could we get this shared to millions and millions that have heard the WORD but have not paid attention to it. God is in control. Many do not want what is best. Thank you dear one for sharing your heart. What ever the outcome, We, the Believers will be the winners.

    • I agree, Janice! I wish everyone would share this post. I’m very concerned about the temperature of our country and wish people would look to the One who will have the final say. I wish they could see things from a heavenly perspective! You’re welcome, sweet Janice, and thanks for responding!

  4. Maggie Barno says:

    Thank you, Dear One. I too am concerned for our country, as millions are. I only wish all of those who are concerned would pray for God’s help. Love you.❤️

  5. Sue Yagidich says:

    Oh I love this Karyn. Going to share….. no doubt HE pushed your pen…..thanks sweet friend….

  6. This is such a beautiful post because I know you and where your heart is. One of the most profound books I have every read is the Book of Habakkuk. It is like reading today’s newspaper. Love this blog post!!

    To me, this election is like reading the three chapters of Habakkuk – my favorite prophet. After all the horrible things happening, he says:

    Habakkuk 2:20
    20 But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.

    Habakkuk 3:17 -19
    Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:

    18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

    19 The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments

    • Our leaders, and even our people, and that includes me, have gotten so self-absorbed and occupied with things of this world, that God would have every right to reign judgment upon us. I’m so glad He is God and not one of us. He always deals more mercifully than us. Pray He will, and pray His will in this election. I’m so glad you liked the blog, Ingrid. xox

  7. I never read one of your post without thinking how much my Mom would have loved your musings……I have many many books full of Mom’s musing…..her conversations with God to her comments on everyday life…..part journal and part pieces of her heart. I love your writings….I love your love of the Lord and your boldness in proclaiming it to one and all. We rarely realize how many people’s lives we touch…never knowing the joy, peace or sometimes just a “chuckle our loud” that we provide to our fellowman. Thanks for sharing your thoughts….your faith…and your wisdom !!!! It is appreciated.

    • Jen, I think I told you I found some of your mother’s musings in LoRayne’s materials. She was a warrior and a go-getter for God, no question. I have seen that you have her spunk and verve and love of all things Jesus! I would love to hear Una’s assessment of my blogs. I’m sure she would have some wisdom for me. And one of these days she can tell me herself!! I so look forward to that!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my stories and musings!! Love to you, sweet girl!